Saturday, May 06, 2006

Moving from tile work to wood work....

The entry is coming together.
The sealer will help bring out the shine in the pebbles.

Tile finishing up, wood floor re-finish begins.
This is the front bathroom....will look great with
the claw foot tub!

The master bath wood floors...

An unexpected cost....not in the budget.
Replace the water heater.

The shampoo boxes are complete.

The guest shower coming to completion.

we just need the shower door now!

Wildlife in the neighborhood....or not so wild.

Look at all this snow...will it ever melt?!

More tile around the house....

Tile coming in from the south facing deck
and a sample of the carpet to come.

Tile ready for the new Praire gas stove.

Pebble stone at the entry....
can't wait to see what that will look like.

On schedule and under budget.....

The shower base coming together.
Ready for tile.
The handy shampoo boxes.

Alex hard at work on the master shower.

The floor of the guest shower...rainforest tile.